Generic and Specific Supervisor Competencies (CGES)

Generic and Specific Supervisor Competencies (CGES)

Madalena Cunha, Sandra Cruz, Luís Menezes & Carlos Albuquerque, 2017

They are Supervisor’s Generic Competencies:Strongly disagree
Dont agree / Neither disagree
Strongly agree
1. Apply/promote educational principles that promote learning
2. Structure supervision sessions
3. Promote ethics in practice
4. Promote skills in working with”difference”
5. Help the trainee to manage emotions in contact with critical situations
6. Support supervised actions and responses with the purpose of reducing stress and maintaining emotions appropriate to situations
7. Detect situations of isolation or psychological suffering with negative potential for the personality or for learning
8. Select the degree of intervention respecting the principle of increasing automatization and accountability
9. Demonstrate empathy, patience, understanding and willingness to dialogue
10. Support the development of a critical spirit as a means of promoting continuous improvement
11. Adapt the supervision to the organizational context and of educational and administrative governance
12. Use different methods to provide accurate and constructive feedback
13. Be able to assess the level of competencies of the supervised
14. To diagnose the level of competence of the supervised
Supervisor’s Specific Competencies
15. Assist the supervised to acquire and develop specific professional competences (theoretical / practical interconnection)
16. Incorporate direct observation into supervision (eg, co-working)
17. Conduct group supervision (supervised learn from each other)
18. Develop pedagogical supervision in specific contexts/models
19. Ensure management supervision
20. Implement supervision of interventions
Supervisor’s Meta-competencies
21. Make the necessary adaptations in order to monetize the supervised’s potential to learn
22. Have an open mind to learn
23. Perform a job in order to cativate and to be with the supervised
24. Provide feedback without being critical