Dynamics of Success in Pedagogical Supervision

Dynamics of Success in Pedagogical Supervision

Sandra Cruz, Madalena Cunha, Margarida Reis-Santos & Francisco Barragan, 2017

Encourage contact between the institution and the student:

Dynamics of Success in Pedagogical SupervisionStongly disagree
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Strongly agree
1. Important for student motivation and involvement/commitment Important for student motivation and involvement / commitment
2. It promotes students’ reflection on their own values and future plans, given the contact they have with other students
3. Promotes student engagement in the school community
Encourage cooperation between students:
4. Increases student involvement in learning
5. It increases student understanding and deep analysis of situations
6. Encourage learning that emphasizes
collaboration, cooperation and support among students.
Promote active / meaningful learning
7. Increases assimilation, accommodation and the process of balancing and levelling knowledge through discussion / reflection and even student writing about what they learn;
8. Give feedback: Students need timely feedback on their performance in order to optimize their learning
9. Provide opportunities to receive suggestions for improvement
10. Promote reflection on what they have learned, on what they need to learn and to self-evaluation
Dynamics of Success in Pedagogical Supervision
11. Emphasize the ‘time on task’
13. Facilitate student aid for effective learning.
14. Allocate a realistic and appropriate time to the tasks that the students have to develop
15. Realize that different people learn with rhythms and in a different way
16. Respect the talent(s) and the different forms of learning.
17. Consider different ways to guide learning
18. Give students the opportunity to expose their talents
19. Communicate high expectations
20. Wait and want more
21. Setting the high standard;
22. Put challenges that are consistent and conducive to adequate commitments
23. Turn available resources
24. Respect intellectual property.