Categories, Content, Learning Styles

Categories, Content, Learning Styles

Sandra Cruz, Luís Carvalho, Madalena Cunha & João Duarte, 2017

integrates feelings and preferences – they are the values and the way they are assimilated.

Basic categories of learning activities
1. Formal learning takes place in education and training institutions, leading to diplomas and qualifications.
2. Informal leraning is not intentional and occurs in unstructured situations.
3. Informal learning is not intentional and occurs in unstructured situations
Learning contents
4. Conceptual contents include definitions, concepts, and principles
5. The procedural contents comprise the abilities to learn to learn and implementation of actions oriented towards a goal.
6. Attitudinal content include attitudes, values and behaviour.
6.1 The cognitive dimension incorporates knowledge and beliefs and the idea of how it is best to behave.
6.2 The affective dimension integrates feelings and preferences – they are the values and the way they are assimilated.
6.3 The conduct dimension contemplates actions and intentions and it represents the rules and standards of conduct.
Learning Styles
7. Concrete experience (Active) – it comes more from experience
8. Reflexive observation (Reflexive) – it comes from reflection
9. Abstract conception (Theoretical) – it comes more from intellectual understanding
10. Active experience (Pragmatic) – it comes more from participation in tasks and from group study.