Pedagogical Supervision

Pedagogical Supervision

Sandra Cruz, Madalena Cunha, Luís Menezes & Carlos Albuquerque, 2017

1. The process of Teaching and Learning in its quality and how it responds to the needs of learners and to achieve the objectives set, making it the most attractive process and facilitator for the student, so that in the end this is autonomous, creative and emancipated.
2. A map, a structure to describe where we are going, how we are going and what resources we can use in the course of action.
3. A model can be understood as an explanatory matrix, which holds an organized and articulated body of concepts or ideas, with the purpose of orienting thought, providing readings of phenomena and providing a reference for action.
4. An empowerment process that provides opportunities for personal and professional growth.
5. A crucial quality control element, being essential in the development of standards.
6. The supervision process does not involve penalties, but opportunities for development.
7. An interaction developed between two or more people to ensure the quality of services within an environment of support and security, based on a continuous critical and reflective analysis of the activities.
8. A process that focus on reflective professional practice to support the development of standards.
9. A didactic strategy that promotes the enhancement of the individual performance and the development of the supervised one
10. A dynamic and formal process of professional support and monitoring that allows for the development of knowledge and skills, taking responsibility for one’s professional performance and protecting users from complex professional situations.
11. A dynamic and formal process of professional support and monitoring that allows for the development of knowledge and skills, taking responsibility for one’s professional performance and protecting users from complex professional situations.
12. An essential prerequisite for quality services.
13. Understood is a precise insight, reflective and that implies an auto critical sense of the learning context.
14. Thought as an action of systematic monitoring of pedagogical practice, especially through procedures for reflection and experimentation
Supervision is a mechanism that aims to…
15. Stimulate the development of personal expertise skills and the acquisition of professional skills.
16. Encourage self-evaluation
17. Promote professional responsability.
18. Develop as reflexive and analytic competencies.
19. Promote innovation and better practices.
20. Promote organizing and actions of the learners which focus on common well.
21. Support learners and professionals.
22. Safeguard conduct satandards.
23. Ensure client protection and security and a high level of quality in the services.
24. Provide time to analyse and reflect on issues of professional nature and critical incidents.
25. Reduce the burden and feelings of stress and burnout and increase personal satisfaction
26. Promote the quality and safety of health care / services.