Professor’s Day and Student’s Day Conferences
i) Organize conferences to promote pedagogic supervision skils relevant to allow academic attainment;
ii) Create the opportunity to share academic experiences between higher educations professors in order to become the development of pedagogic supervision more effective;
iii) Promote active participation of school assistants in cientific events;
iv) Dessiminate research results.
The priority of actions will be the development of pedagogic supervision skills in higher education. There will be four conferences lasting eight hours with two panels: a scientif and another to share experiences and testemonials. They will involved active participation of the target group (IPV assistants and IPV Students).
Is being idealized an active methodology with: the demonstration of good practices in pedagogic supervision skills and mentoring; share experience on the implementation of actions/projects promoters of academic success.
Professor’s Day Conferences will focus on the assessment and training of pedagogic supervision skills.
Student’s Day and Mentor Conferences will look at: interventions promoters of mentoring and perceptoring; the role of a mentor on the course of higher education students and advantages to the learning process.